Have I told you.......That I don't like my oncologist. I really, really don't like this guy. He's very dismissive and doesn't listen. Here's what happened. I went to him last Tuesday to get my
Herceptin. I wasn't even scheduled to see him but he wanted to see me because we go the results of all the tests. Well, frankly, I'd already discussed the results with my radiation oncologist (who I love, love, love!!!) and didn't see the point. He was running late. and later. and finally I went up and said that we needed to get moving on this because I was seeing my surgeon in an hour and a half. Turns out, I didn't get to see the doctor for another half hour. So...there wasn't enough time for the
Herceptin. I had to go see my surgeon and then come back later in the afternoon for the
Herceptin. This pissed me off right there, k? Really fucking pissed me off. I don't have time for that kind of shit.
Anyway, I finally get in to see the oncologist and he goes over the results and I ask him about the lymph node. I really want to know why my lymph node is enlarged if it's not cancer. He says in his stupid Brazilian accent "There's no enlarged lymph node." I say "yes there was" He says "no there wasn't" I say "Well you must not have all the results because there
was an enlarged lymph node". He keeps insisting there wasn't and now,
every time, I begin to talk all he keeps saying is that it doesn't matter what there was because it's not cancer. He's talking to me like I'm an idiot!
So, I think I'm crazy, now. Maybe there
was no enlarged lymph node. Maybe I made it up in my head.
Maybe I've gone fucking mad!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe I have that
Munchhausen's disease where you want attention so you make up diseases. Well, I
did love getting the cards and the flowers but I can't imagine wanting to be sick for those things, you know? But, well, I'm
thinkin' I'm
nuckin futs,
ok? So, I leave there and go over to the surgeon's office. I get in right away to see him. No waiting. He does the exam and I'm fine. I have a
hematoma in my boob (it hurts) but it'll go away. It was caused by bruising on the inside when I got my biopsy. The bad thing is that it hurts. The good thing is that it's rounding out my indented boob. I kinda like it, ya know? Makes me look more "normal", ya know? Anyway, he finishes the exam and I ask with much trepidation "I
did have an enlarged lymph node, didn't I?" He says, " yes, it didn't show anything...It was probably enlarged because of the trauma of the lumpectomy and we will now watch it. Always. It will probably stay enlarged but we have to watch it for any changes." OK, now. That's a good doctor, right?
So, I tell him that # 1 - I hate my oncologist and #2 why and #3 I want a new one. He asked if there was any way I could stay with this guy until my
Herceptin's done because it's better to stay with the same doctor until the treatment ends. So....I'm going to try to stay with the stupid Brazilian guy but I
am going to tell him how I feel next time I see him and if I don't get a satisfactory answer I'm going to a different oncologist.
Have I told you.....That my dog's doing chemo? He's actually doing really well with it. I love him.
Have I told you....That we're coming to Canada for our Thanksgiving? It's the last Thursday in November. Andrew, Jeff and I are coming on the 22
nd flying from Tampa and Scott & Kevin are coming on the 25
th from Orlando. It's Andrew's mom's 80
th birthday!!! 80!! I so want to make it to 80! Oh, hell, who am I kidding, I'll be happy to make it to 50, to tell you the truth. Oh!! that brings me to another one....
Have I told you.....When I was getting my
Herceptin treatment a lady there did a palm reading on me? I'm gonna outlive you all!!!!!
Yay!!!!! Andrew is my true love. I am strong and caring. Cool, eh?
Have I told you....that I think I'm having allergic reactions to the
OMG!! I am so
frickin' itchy!!!!!! It's mostly in my hands and feet but it does go up my calves and arms later in the day. Isn't that weird? Oh, I did tell you that before 'cause I remember telling you about using the hemerroid cream on the itchy parts. Now that's weird!
Have I told you...That my port moved. When I was having my PET scan they had me put my arms above my head and I could feel a stitch come out from my port. It didn't hurt or anything I just knew something had happened. So, after the scan I felt my port and sure enough it moved onto it's side. It's
ok, I guess. The surgeon said as long as it's accessible, it's fine. Phew! I have a love/hate relationship with my port but it keeps me from having to get an IV every time I have a
Herceptin treatment so I mostly love it. But, it is ugly.
Have I told you...That Scott and Kevin are doing Air Force ROTC and I thought they would hate it but they love it? They've never really liked anyone telling them what to do so I don't understand what they love so much but they love it, nevertheless.
Have I told you......That I think the Air Force ROTC is a
cult? That's right. I said it.
A frickin' cult. They love it. They call them "family" (
WTF!!!!) and they don't come home because they're doing "stuff" with their flights. That's just
fuckin' pissing me off.
I am their family.
I cleaned their butts, wiped their noses and put up with their stinky feet and smelly farts and took them to hockey and soccer and karate and every other
frickin' thing they did
and.... surprise, surprise, boys! I didn't always enjoy it either. Andrew, too of course. And their brothers. We all supported each other. These people that they just met in September are not their family. OK, rant over. I really am happy for them that they're so happy but if they don't come home soon I'm going to hire one of those cult people to
de-brainwash them! ROFL!!!!!!!
Have I told you....
that I'm done.
Night Night!!