Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I met another angel yesterday. Here's the story:

I went to get Kevin's birthday present and then went and got it wrapped. The lady wrapped it and handed it to me. Then she said "Just a sec, I want to come around to you." I didn't have a clue what she was doing but she came around the counter and took both my hands in hers and looked me in the eye and said "I just want you to know that two months ago? I was wearing a scarf just like you are today. And look at me now! I have cute curly hair and you will have hair soon, too." I looked at her with tears in my eyes and said "I only have one more chemo to go!" and she said "You can do it and, together, we will survive!" At that she gave me a hug. There were about four people in line and the lady right behind me started clapping and then all the others did, too and they all started yelling "hooray for the survivors!" over and over. I just stood there crying taking it all in.

People like her? I call them angels. Other angels are:

My chemo nurses. On a weekly basis they give me advice and hope. I love them.

The guy who did my mugga (heart) test. I was in the machine and we were chatting about our kids and then about Vegas and my hatred of this port came up. I said to him "How am I going to wear a bathing suit with this ugly thing stuck in the middle of my chest?" and do you know what he said to me? "With confidence and grace." and then he came around to where I could see him and squeezed me hand and said "Don't worry, you can do this." I love that.

One of my customer's secretary. I told her about my breast cancer and she told me she had had it 15 years ago and assured me I would be a survivor, too. It was early in my diagnosis and when I started crying she stayed on the line and supported me.

There are others, too. The various women who, when I'm at the mall or grocery store, come up to me and whisper that they, too, are survivors.

That's all. I just wanted to share that story. It really rocked my world.


Judy said...

What beautiful stories!!!

Unknown said...

Jeez, that sounds like a moment outta a movie. You guys are like one big club.

Anonymous said...

It constantly amazes me, how the universe has this knack for giving us just what we need, when we need it. So happy these angels were there when you needed them. And they're absolutely right: you CAN do this - you are, in fact, doing it - and you ARE a survivor. Just keep on being your own wonderful self. Someday, you'll be some other scared person's angel.....

You may, however, be the first angel in history to have - and proudly wear - a tiara! :)

Last chemo today, right? Rock on, CancerGirl - keep on kickin' cancer's big fat hairy ugly ass!!!!! My love and thanks go out to your chemo nurses, for being your fellow warriors. And to Mom and Dad, for being there, just taking it one day at a time with you. And of course to Andrew and your boys, for their support and humor throughout. Stay strong, sweetie!

Love ya bunches - Kim xoxo

Vanessa said...

Omg Sandy!!! This seriously made me cry~!! How wonderful! I am so glad you met another angel. You deserve a million. I think they are here for a purpose and give us hope.

One day I shall make a trip to my good ole sunny hometown and we will meet!
Stay strong and I am SO glad you are kicking cancer's ass.

I love you girl

Unknown said...

need more bloggage, probably comin home this weekend for UFC ppv w/ big ole balco.

Anonymous said...

Sandy, that is truly very cool!

Those moments are rare and make you (and me) realize that this 'secret' club is really a very large society.

I'm glad you have the courage to go out in public and just be you. The women who whisper that they are survivors missed out on 'the society' if they stayed indoors. They will never know how many are out there. Unlike you, who is meeting so many of them!

Made me cry, Sandy!

Love you HUGESTER! Karen xoxo

Holly said...

wow -- teary...