Friday, December 21, 2007

What a Dilemma!!

And the dilemma is....who do I cheer for? I come across this same problem year after year. As most of you know I'm a huge Toronto Maple Leafs fan. Have been forever! That's a long time, people!! Then, when we moved to Tampa, it's really easy to get tickets to the games. And not expensive for really good seats, either (well, if you don't eat that is - more on that later). So I became a Lightening fan, too.

Problem comes? When they play each other. Who do I cheer for? I've seen them play each other three times. First time, I wore my Leafs Jersey. Cheered for my Leafies but? It just didn't feel right. Cheering against my Lightening boys. It was just wrong. So...the next time I went to see them play I wore my Lightening Jersey. Well, that was just wrong, too. Cheering against my Leafies (especially that cute Matts Sundin whom I love!). My team who I've loved forever.

I must add an aside, here. You know, it's hard being a Leafs fan. I mean. I love them and all, but seriously! They haven't been the winningest team around, you know? So, in order to be a Leafs fan? You really have to love this team 'cause it would be really easy to toss them aside and just be a Lightening fan who have a Stanley Cup under their belts in my lifetime whereas the Leafs? Well? I haven't gotten the satisfaction of seeing them win a Stanley Cup, ya know?

Anyway, I digress. So, you know what I did last night? I cheered for both teams. I wore my Lightening jersey and took my Leafs towels (I wanted to take my Leafs jersey but Scott said that would be "dumb" and who wants to be dumb, ya know?) and when my Leafies scored? I cheered and waved my towel! And when my Lightening scored (more than the Leafies)? I jumped up and down and high fived and hooted and hollered!! It was so fun! Especially when my Brad Richards and my Matts were both on the ice at the same time! Facing off against each other! Heaven!!

Ticketwise. We got 4 tickets for $150 about 18 rows up from the ice in the nice padded seats. Nice.

Foodwise. Jeez! We spent $60 on 4 cheeseburgers and 2 fries and 1 water, 1 pop and a small beer at 5 Guys. It was good food but holy cow! It shocked me. Literally. She says the total and I went "What? Holy Cow!" She must get that a lot 'cause she just smiled.

So, that was our night last night. As an aside I will say again. People sure can stare at a girl in a hat. I wore my cute pink fuzzy hat and, man! People can be so rude! It just makes me uncomfortable to go out in public. And? It makes me want to whip off the hat so badly. Now that would really shock them and be way more comfortable for me. It'll happen, I'm betting. It's gonna take: Me? in a bad mood. Them? probably an adult staring - someone who should really really know better. And then? I'm gonna whip off whatever's on my head and say something. I don't know what, but something.

Anyway, peeps. Have a great day today!

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