Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Well, it's Tuesday and I go see the oncologist on Friday. I'll have much more information, then, and know what I'm facing, too.

This is a weird time because I'm fine. Totally fine (well other than some pain in my armpit which I'm sick of). I tell people (not just people walking down the street - people I know!!) that I have breast cancer and they're like "No Way!! You look great!" That might be a little of an overstatement but I do look fine. I also don't know what I'm facing. What drugs for the chemo? Will I lose my hair? Will I get sick and not be able to work? How long does the chemo last? How often do I have to have it? and then the dramatic... Will I die? Oh c'mon! I can think that. I'm cancergirl afterall. I can think that.

I don't really think I'll die but it sucks that I went from just having this little cancer and needing radiation to having an aggressive crappy cancer and now I have to have chemo and radiation.....all this during my busy season. I don't know if I've mentioned this before but in my insurance field I have four months to sell. November 15 through March 31. It's very lucrative but I have to be at the top of my game. I wait for this all year. The high of selling a ton of insurance in a short period of time is wonderful.

Oh, speaking of high.......Kevin knows where this is going 'cause it was his thought....I wonder if I'll have to get some sort of anti-nausea drug. hmmmm.....wonder what that might be? What? Pot? MaryJane? Weed? hmmmm. I was never really into it in high school or college (beer tastes way better!) but if it's for medicinal purposes? That sounds legal. Of course, with my asthma, it'd have to be put in brownies. Just a thought, you know? Interesting, eh? Hmmm....now I'm wondering why Kevin came up with that thought? ROFL!!

OK, well, that's all for me for today. Halloween tomorrow -


If I eat one more peanut butter cup I'll turn into one. All that dieting and I just keep eating. I gotta stop that. After Halloween and the two bags of potato chips I just bought today....oh...and the tube of chocolate chip cookies all ready to be put in the oven? Then, I'll stop and only eat good things. Can you say out of control?

G'night everybody!!


Susan said...

I haven't commented much--but now I can't hold back. When I was going through radiation (16+ years ago now!), I got really sick from it (worse than chemo) because they were doing a very large area--from under my chin to just above my belly button and hitting my stomach. They prescribed anti-nauseau medicine that had marijuana as its main ingredient. Of course I got all excited--I never did stuff like that EVER--and was disappointed when I ended up puking most of them up and never really got the benefit. Hope this story isn't a downer--but that's my experience with legal marijuana.

Unknown said...

Well since the above person had such a poor experience with legal marijuana I have a great idea. ILLEGAL MARIJUANA. Just ask Kevin hes on all the roids and drugs (JUST KIDDING for all who don't know the joke). And on a note of your insurance work, if you're gonna use a superhero name like cancergirl then I think you should be able to woman-up (can't say man-up) and sell some insurance. Keep it up and see ya soon. Love ya

Sandy C said...

Woman-up? LMOA Scotty!! Yah, I've been thinking that if they don't give me legal? Where better to get illegal than the local high school? LOL! We're just kidding on that folks - Callin family humour. If we got caught we'd be kicked out of the country and we don't want to miss out on the opportunity of voting. Now, we just have to get citizenship!

Unknown said...

Yaaaaaaa, then we can smoke all the illegal high school marijuana we want. PARTAY!!

Vanessa said...

HAHAHA you guys are crazy. i miss your humor sandy!!! so i was thinking....maybe your fam can get you a baby puppy that you can bring with you to your doctor visits!!!! YAH!!

Anonymous said...

Don't do it no puppy of any kind!!!Use your friends and family for company because when your cancer is gone you will have another dog!!!