Wednesday, April 23, 2008

It's Kim's Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday to my favourite Chick!!!


(Knowing you're 50, now, I wrote that in BIG letters so you could see the message. And....Knowing you're 50 you might not be hip and cool like me so 'cause I'm so much younger, I'll tell you that ROFLMAO means rolling on the floor laughing my ass off. What? You just told me to Fuck off. Well, that's not very nice!! You're a grandmother, now. Grandmothers don't swear - don't tell that to mom, though!! LOL!!)

A Birthday Letter:


You have been the best sister I could possibly have asked for. You have been my best friend, confidante (sorry! I know you know some things you wished you didn't know!), someone to laugh hysterically with, cry with and love. We have been through so much together but I will make a little list so you can remember with me. Here comes memory lane......

- remember when you were in the top bunk and I was in the bottom bunk and I used to be so skinny I could get between the bed and the wall and in the middle of the night I'd scare you? Oh!! remember when I was in the top bunk and you were in the bottom bunk and you were learning French and I wanted to know how to say all my friends names in French and we were going through their names and dad came in and told us to go to sleep and left and we kept going and he came back and told us to go to sleep and left and we kept going and he was furious and came in and tried to turn me over to spank me and I wouldn't let him and he just got madder and madder and finally mom came in and looked at what was happening and started laughing and then he saw that it was quite funny and started laughing and I never did get a spanking?

- remember when you taught me how to kiss a pillow so I'd be ready for a boy?
- remember that you, my dear, you were the one who took me to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang....on the bus!! OHHH!!! It was so exciting!!
- remember going to see the Queen and singing silly songs while we were waiting for her?
- Ewww remember sleeping over at the Reids and how Roxanne's eyes opened when she was asleep and it was so creepy?
- remember teaching me all your cheers for cheerleading?
- remember me tagging along on many of your dates? And going to the movies with you? and going to Dairy Queen? and Baseball Games? and anywhere else you might have been going?
- remember riding our bikes to Professor's Lake? Oh, and didn't a kid go missing so they made a line of people and you participated and the kid ended up being at the playground? Was that a dream or was that real? Crap! You shouldn't have done that! What if you'd found the kids dead body with your feet! Jeepers!
- Oh!! remember when you'd be standing at the front door waiting for the guy to kiss you goodnight and I wouldn't leave? And we'd stand there for, like, an hour and finally you'd get rid of me?
- remember when we were both pitchers and Karen was our catcher and Dad was our coach?
- ohhhh!! sad thing - remember when we were in the championship game and you had pitched all you could so it was my turn and I walked in their winning run?
- remember making up routines on the Croziers swings? Oh!! And swimming across the lake? That was all you. I freaked out and dad had to haul me into the canoe - but you did it! (And Karen, too - I don't remember if Steve did). And letting all the frogs go in the middle of the night and dad would have to use minnows for fishing? That was all Karen! Let's blame Karen!!
- remember when you'd go to the movies that were R rated and I was too young to go so you'd come home and tell me all about them. In detail.
- remember the year when it was right before Christmas and we were talking on the phone and even though you were coming home from University the next day we missed each other soooo much so you hopped in your car and came home just in time for the Osmond's Christmas special and we snuggled in under a blanket in the basement and watched it together?
- remember me coming to visit you in Hamilton?

- remember ice skating and roller skating?
- remember going to Ontario Place to see Dan Hill and getting "shit on"?
- remember going to Ontario Place to Dr. Hook?
- remember going to Toronto Island so I could meet that cute boy from Toronto? That kissing lesson really came in handy!! Thanks!
- remember going out to clubs and dancing all night? OMG!! Remember that night when my friend Karen and I got really drunk (I think we went to see The Kings at Stars that night) and we were in that restaurant saying, really loudly "I ain't neva delivered babies before!" and Andrew left and we got kicked out? OMG! And what about the time we went to Belleville and that weird guy from next door on Janlyn Cres. worked in the restaurant! What was his name? Ohhh! he was creepy!
- remember Lamaze classes? I'm pretty sure some of them thought we were the gay couple!! ROFL!!! We could be just without the sex. Oh!! Was that weird to say? sorry!!!
- remember Lindsey's birth? OMG that cone head!
- remember when I was on bedrest with Scott and I'd go outside and put my feet in cool water and have a fan and you'd bring me stuff?
- remember all the weekends we've visited. Times when we had all the kids together and it was crazy! Lindsey is, what? 4 years older than Jeff, then Scott came 15 months later, then Thomas 9 months later, then Kevin came 9 months after that! We had a lot of kids! It was so fun! We'd play with the kids and we ate and drank and talked for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and then shopped for hours and hours and hours and hours and then talked some more? More of that to come, I'm sure!!
Wow! I could go on and on. Really! I guess what I'm saying is that I love you and I'm glad you're my sister and I wouldn't trade you and the memories we've built for anything!!!

Have a great birthday!

Love, Sandy

1 year 3 months till Karen turns 50
2 years 6 months till Steve turns 50
4 years 8 months till I turn 50
2 months 28 days till I see Donny!


Unknown said...

man you really were a pest when you were younger and i hope those countdowns dont go any further than this post. happy b-day aunt kim, in my pool i have you goin to 100 so you're halfway there, keep goin strong.

Sandy C said...

Scott always wins the pools in this house so you better count on it, Kimby!

Judy said...

Happy Birthday Kim!! You always were my fav...I mean..oldest, yea that's it, oldest cousin!! LOL!!!!

Fantastic post Sandy! Great memories!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I leave you guys alone for ONE DAY, and look at all the stuff you post!!! :)

Thank you SO MUCH for that walk down memory lane - I've never had a particularly good memory (even before I was so ancient!), so I'm really amazed at all the stuff you have packed away in yours!

Yes, Scottie, she was a pest, but only because I let her be - she was so damned cute and so much fun, it was easy to have her tag along. My very first memory of YOUR mama was the day OUR mama brought her home from the hospital when she was a tiny baby. I was 4 1/2 years old, and I remember thinking "my baby is finally here" - I loved her before I saw her, and believed in my heart that she was mine to take care of. Right from the beginning. Must be some karmic connection or something, but she was just always MINE. Still is, in some ways..... Wouldn't change a thing about that - hell, somebody has to keep her from running away with Donnie Osmond!!!! (Don't tell your dad - oops, spilled the beans there, didn't I? LOL) Not funny enough for ROTFLMAO....

Trust Scott to find a way to gamble on his decrepit old aunt!

And Judy, you show very good judgment - I always KNEW I was your favorite. Although I gotta say, you certainly HID it well at times! Heehee....

Love to all, from this 50-year-old sis - happy to be alive and kicking, and to have people who love me. Life is good! Kim xoxo

ps - only today and tomorrow to go for radiation, and you're DONE!!!! I'm so proud of you, my little warrior woman!

Anonymous said...

I remember things a bit differently ... ha ha

Remember when you used to blackmail Kim and me (on different days) to take you to Dairy Queen?

Remember that on our baseball team we also had Steve as Assistant Coach, Mom as scorekeeper, and Piper as mascot?

HA HA Remember how when we all went to the bar and I would disappear and leave you to find your own ride home? Not nice!

Remember those wonderful frogs I'd catch at the cottage? They were ALL named Humphrey. Humphrey the 1st, Humphrey the 2nd, Humphrey the 3rd - all the way up to Humphrey the 18th!

But of course, in all of it Kim truly WAS the 'Good Child'. No doubt about it. And she still is. Not a mean or nasty bone in her body. I think I'm going to nominate her for Sainthood when we get to Heaven! Seriously!! Not joking!! That chic has a halo that is spit and polished!! Her wings don't need Tide, they are Scotchguarded!! ha ha

By the way, I hope you can both come to Brampton next summer. Because Allanah & I are having a JOINT 50th BIRTHDAY PARTY! We are gonna wear evening gowns and tiaras and we are going to drink martinis all night long! Well, for as long as it takes for us to fall down, anyway! (which, by the way is not as long as it used to take!)

Bet you are excited to finish radiation!! Congrats, Sandy! You weathered that storm! xoxoxo


Susan said...

What a great post. I was cracking up laughing especially about when you scared your sister, because I used to jump out of the dark and scare my older sister ALL THE TIME. Why are they so easy to torment??