Monday, April 28, 2008

More Health Problems....ugh!!!

I'm happy that radiation is done. Really, really happy. Also, Scotty's home for the summer so that's another thing to be happy about! Friday night Andrew and I, Scott, Kevin, My mom and dad and Mr & Mrs. Hall all went to The Tarpon Turtle so celebrate. It was fun and nice to all be together again before all my beloved "oldies" go back north. I get really sad this time of year when my parents leave for Canada. I love them so much and lean on them and it's really hard to see them leave.

Anyway, on to the title of this post. Remember I said that I was having pain in my hip and afraid it was cancer? Well the good news is that it's not cancer. The bad news is that I found out that I now have something wrong with my hips. It's not cancer but it's not good. I guess, because of all the prednisone I've been on in my life along with the chemo, I now have something called avascular necrosis in my hips. Here's a link to an explanation.

I'm trying to get an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon but, so far, the earliest appointment I can get is June 10. Anyway, according to other web sites I must be quite far along in the deterioration of the bone because I'm feeling pain. This just plainly sucks. In all honesty it fucking sucks. I am definitely doing the "why me" thing right now. First, when I'm a teen I get bronchitis a gazillion times, then I have three pregnancies with bedrest and c-sections, then I get asthma so bad I'm hospitalized then I get cancer and now this? This is just not fair. Ya know, when you track bad time and you go by which health problem you were dealing with at the time that it's not good.

So...I think I'll just spend a few days playing online games and reading e-mails and spending time with my parents and then I'll just have to hike up my big girl panties and deal with it. Another Ugh moment brought to you by Sandy. Ugh!


Holly said...

ah, crap...
I'll "ugh" over here for you too.

Anonymous said...

"Ugh"ing up here too. I'm awfully sorry to hear you have a new hurdle to overcome. Seems so unfair.

I agree 100% with your approach - a couple of days of "this sucks", then on go the big girl panties....

Sending you a big FAT squeeze-the-breath-right-out-of-you hug....

Love you. Kim xoxo

Judy said...

You've had more than your share of "Ugh" moments...I think you're more than a little entitled to some "why me"! Hold onto your panties and hike 'em up when you're damn good and ready! {{{HUGS}}}}

Love you!